Event Details
The Introduction to compliance is the first course in the compliance methodology training series. A good foundation to understanding compliance would be understanding the compliance best practice as contained in the Generally Accepted Compliance Practice framework (c) (GACP). The Intro to compliance is followed by Control identification and risk assessment.
This virtual, CPD training event will provide attendees with an understanding of the compliance management process, end-to-end.
Key take aways:
- An understanding of what compliance is and who the role-players and stakeholders are.
- A basic functional understanding of key compliance principles and compliance activities.
- An overview of the GACP outlining the compliance best practice framework and stakeholders and the regulatory environment.
See the outline for more details.
Who should attend:
- Corporate clients
- Compliance officers
- Compliance administrators
- Compliance monitoring specialists
- Internal auditors
- Novices to compliance management
CPD: 12 hours
Member rate: R 4,452.17 excl VAT / R5,120 incl VAT
Non-member rate: R4,895.65 excl VAT / R5,630 incl VAT
Non-SA options for above excludes VAT
For inhouse training enquire at enquiries@compliancesa.com or complete this inhouse enquiry form
- CISA will make every effort to host the specified training on the date / s as advertised. However, should unforeseen circumstances arise or an extenuating circumstance that is out of our control, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the training. In event of CISA cancelling and or postponing the session, communication will follow in writing for next steps.
- No AI readers are permitted.
Your professional development roadmap, - what is next?"
- Generally accepted compliance practice framework (GACP).
- Control identification and risk assessment.
- Compliance risk management plans (CRMP).
- Monitoring.
For any queries contact enquiries@compliancesa.com.