Event Details
Combined assurance is a co-ordinated approach that ensures all assurance activities provided by management, internal assurance providers, and external assurance providers adequately address significant risks facing an organisation, and suitable controls exist to mitigate these inherent risks to an acceptable level of residual risk.
Combined assurance involves the integration of assurance processes within an organisation in order to:
- maximise oversight of risk and governance and control efficiencies
- optimise the overall assurance provided to the audit committee
- reduce assurance overlap
- minimise assurance cost
- give due consideration to the organisation's risk appetite.
Combined assurance is about assurance providers working closer together to ensure the right amount of assurance, in the right areas, from people with the best skills, in the most cost-effective way possible.
Day 1:10/8, 9:00 - 15:00
Day 2: 11/8, 09:00 - 12:00
Day 3: 31/8, 09:00 - 12:00
Attendees should have an understanding of Risk Management and Assurance concepts in order to follow the terminology and methodology references.
Read through the case study material provided prior to the training.
Who should attend:
- All Assurance Providers
- Management (Governance related positions)
- Compliance Officers
- Internal Auditors
- Risk Managers
- Company Secretaries etc.
Member Early Bird rate: R 3,600 excl VAT / R4,140 incl VAT
Member Standard rate: R4,800 excl VAT / R5,520 incl VAT
Non-member Early Bird rate: R 3,960 excl VAT / R4,554 incl VAT
Non-member Standard rate: R5,280 excl VAT / R6,072 incl VAT
CPD: 12 hours
Action steps:
1: Register for this event;
2: Your application will be approved by Finance once your billing info and ticket selection has been vetted and an invoice generated (if a paid for ticket);
3a: For Paid event tickets: Upon approval of your registration, an invoice is generated;
3b: For Free event tickets or once you have paid for your ticket: You will receive a confirmation email with your access pass, a calendar event to add to the event to your calendar and a meeting link (for a virtual event) or location for in-person events;
3c: You will be able see all your registered events on MyGlue, Events icon on the left ribbon and go to the "Upcoming events" tab OR click on the ticket icon on the top ribbon on MyGlue;
4a: Any special instructions or training material will be provided to you before the time;
4b: You will receive email reminders of the upcoming event in the days and hours running up to the event;
5: Remember to complete the required instructions to claim your CPD, e.g. complete the feedback or check-in to sessions;
6: Your CPD will be issued for your attendance.