
AML Programme Expression of Interest
Interest in the AML Programme launched in March 2023 and would like to know more... Open to members and non-members. Required opt-in consent.
AML Community - Your Name, Surname, Employer and Position will be visible to others.
Currently open to members and non-members for communication and community engagement - requiring opt-in consent.
Women in compliance comms & community - Your Name, Surname, Employer and Position will be visible to others.
Network with other professional women and men and be inspired by different transformational and developmental topics with each edition! Currently open to members and non-members for communications and community engagement. Requires opt-in consent.
Young Professionals comms & community - Your Name, Surname, Employer and Position will be visible to others.
Showcasing the compliance profession and mentoring programme. Currently open to members and non-members for communication and community engagement - requiring opt-in consent.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in compliance comms & community
This community group is to be used for compliance-related Artificial Intelligence (AI) discussions and the like. Advertising is not permitted. Open to members and non-members - Your Name, Surname, Employer and Position will be visible to others.