Event Details

This workshop on securing ethics in your organisation underscores the importance of ethical behavior and integrity for compliance professionals and corporate citizens. It highlights the role that 'an ethics and compliance lens' play in taking advantage of opportunities that exist in the lifecycle from executing a recruitment strategy to human risk management.

By taking this course, participants will stay current with the latest trends and developments in ethical and professional conduct. Additionally, it helps meet the CPD requirements set by their respective organizations or professional bodies. This ensures that professionals remain up to date with best practices, supporting both their career growth and the ethical standards of the organizations they represent.

Key takeaways:

  • In this unique workshop you will be equipped with multiple insights that you can use to exert a positive influence on people management processes in your organisation, with a view to creating the right conditions for compliance.
  • Take this opportunity to bust out of your silo and become a value-adding partner to your line managers and HR specialists. In return, you will better understand the enormity of so-called 'people risk', and you will see new opportunities to increase ethical individual conduct and promote an ethical organisational culture.
  • Following an employment lifecycle approach, we will start with recruitment and end with termination of employment - and cover the considerable ground between the two!
  • Additional references / resources provided by the trainer as part of the learning journey.

Who should attend:

  • Chief Compliance officers
  • Compliance professionals
  • HR specialists and managers
  • Managers
  • Employees

Delivery ticket(s):

  • Virtual via Microsoft Teams



Member: R1,696.00 excl. VAT | R1,950.00 incl. VAT

Non-member: R1,865.60 excl. VAT | R2,145.00 incl. VAT

Non-SA options for above excludes VAT

Included in the training

  • Slide deck

CPD: 4 hours


  • Penny Milner-Smyth (Workplace Ethics, Organisation Behaviour and Human Resource Management Specialist at Ethicalways)

    Penny Milner-Smyth

    Workplace Ethics, Organisation Behaviour and Human Resource Management Specialist at Ethicalways

    Director – Ethicalways, South Africa | MA Research Psychology (UKZN
    1986) | Registered with the Professional Board (SABPP) as a Master Human
    Resources Practitioner | Long-standing member / supporter of The Ethics
    Institute (South Africa) (www.tei.org.za) and Business Ethics Network Africa
    (http://www.benafrica.org/),|Trustee and Board Member: Ethics Institute
    Zimbabwe (2017 - ) | Accredited Ethics Trainer for the HR Professional
    Board in South Africa | 25 years’ experience as in-house HR executive |
    Primary focus on the creation of ethical workplace cultures | Regular
    conference speaker | Regular writer with an international audience on
    topics at the intersection of employee ethics and engagement, the
    leadership of ethics and anti-corruption compliance.

    view more


Virtual ticket (member)

Prices shown exclude VAT per person.

Member Price R 1,696
Virtual ticket (non-member)

Non-members rate.
Prices shown exclude VAT per person.

Standard Price R 1,865.60
Non-SA virtual ticket (member)

Prices shown exclude VAT per person. Vat is not charged.

Member Price R 1,696
Non-SA virtual ticket (non-member)

Non-SA non-members rate.
Prices shown exclude VAT per person. Vat is not charged.

Standard Price R 1,865.60