Event Details

A thought-leadership and networking opportunity event.

Namibia Focus

Financial Institions Amendment Act (FIA)

An update on the promulgation of this regulation

Namibia Speaker: Josef Kadhila | AML Compliance Officer, NAMFISA

Botswana Focus

Data Privacy

Spotlight on Botswana

Botswana Speaker: Senwelo Modise | Partner: Technology, Media & Telecommunications, Botlhole Law Group

Investment: Free to all - invest your time in your professional development.


09.00 | Welcome by Riannรฉ Potgieter | CEO, CISA

09.10 | Namibia Presentation by Josef Kadilha, NAMFISA - FIA Amendment Act update

10.00 | Botswana Presentation by Senwelo Modise, Botlhole Law Group - Data Privacy


09:00 - 09:10
Welcome and set the scene
09:10 - 10:00
Namibia Keynote
An update on FIA Ammendment Act
B3-2023-Financial Intelligence Amendment Bill.pdfdownload
10:00 - 10:50
Botswana Keynote
Spotlight on data privacy in Botswana
10:50 - 11:00
Highlights and close


  • Josef Kadhila (AML Compliance Officer at Namfisa)

    Josef Kadhila

    AML Compliance Officer at Namfisa

  • Senwelo Modise (Partner: Technology, Media and Telecommunications | Data Privacy Expert at Botlhole Law Group)

    Senwelo Modise

    Partner: Technology, Media and Telecommunications | Data Privacy Expert at Botlhole Law Group

  • Rianne Potgieter (CEO of Compliance Institute SA)

    Rianne Potgieter

    CEO of Compliance Institute SA

    view more


B3-2023-Financial Intelligence Amendment Bill.pdfdownload



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Member Price Complimentary
Non Member

Non Member rate - free event

If you are booking multiple tickets on behalf of other attendees, you will need to do the booking with the attendees to ensure that all acceptances and info provided by the attendee is accurate and aligns to their Glueup profile. (e.g. email, membership type, etc.)

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