Event Details
A thought-leadership and networking opportunity event.
Namibia Focus
Financial Institions Amendment Act (FIA)
An update on the promulgation of this regulation
Namibia Speaker: Josef Kadhila | AML Compliance Officer, NAMFISA
Botswana Focus
Data Privacy
Spotlight on Botswana
Botswana Speaker: Senwelo Modise | Partner: Technology, Media & Telecommunications, Botlhole Law Group
Investment: Free to all - invest your time in your professional development.
09.00 | Welcome by Riannรฉ Potgieter | CEO, CISA
09.10 | Namibia Presentation by Josef Kadilha, NAMFISA - FIA Amendment Act update
10.00 | Botswana Presentation by Senwelo Modise, Botlhole Law Group - Data Privacy