Event Details

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has granted the right to hold the designation of Commissioners of Oaths, to the following designations of the Compliance Institute Southern Africa ('the Institute'):

  • Compliance Practitioner (SA) / CPrac (SA)
  • Compliance Professional (SA) / CProf (SA)
  • Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Practitioner (SA) / AMLC Prac (SA)

Individuals who hold one or more of the above designations can now operate as Commissioners of Oaths.

In this session, we will unpack this designation in more detail and delve into the regulations and guidelines for operating as a Commissioner of Oaths.


Members: Free - invest your time in your professional development.

Non-members: R304.35 excl VAT / R350.00 incl VAT


09:00 - 09:10
09:10 - 09:40
Keynote | Commissioner of Oaths
09:40 - 09:55
Interactive Session / Q&A
09:55 - 10:00
Closing Remarks


  • Kobus Oosthuizen (Legal Counsel at Financial Planning Institute NPC)

    Kobus Oosthuizen

    Legal Counsel at Financial Planning Institute NPC

    Kobus Oosthuizen (CFP®) has 25 years' private practice experience in fiduciary and tax services.

    Currently he manages the legal and GRC portfolios at the Financial Planning Institute.

    He is also the ethics officer and company secretary. Kobus is deeply interested in adult learning with M Phil. (Lifelong learning) studies focusing on consumer education in progress.

    view more
  • Riannรฉ Potgieter (CEO of Compliance Institute Southern Africa)

    Rianné Potgieter

    CEO of Compliance Institute Southern Africa

    view more


Designations of Commissioners of Oaths Notice.pdfdownload
CISA Guidelines for Commissioners of Oaths September 2023.pdfdownload



Members attend for free

If you are booking multiple tickets on behalf of other attendees, you will need to do the booking with the attendees to ensure that all acceptances and info provided by the attendee is accurate and aligns to their Glueup profile. (e.g. email, membership type, etc.)

Member Price Complimentary
Non Member

Non Member rate
Prices shown exclude VAT per person.

If you are booking multiple tickets on behalf of other attendees, you will need to do the booking with the attendees to ensure that all acceptances and info provided by the attendee is accurate and aligns to their Glueup profile. (e.g. email, membership type, etc.)

Standard Price R 304.35