This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Compliance Institute Southern Africa events.
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Save the dateNovember 10, 202309:00 - 12:00 GMT+2
Event Details
Event Details

A virtual event showcasing compliance as a profession and introducing the mentorship program.


Greenwashing, Money, and Trust: Why Should You Care?


Opening and Welcome

CISA CEO, Rianné Potgieter

Youth Committee Introductions and Event Overview

Marelize Gloy, Young Professionals Steering Committee Chair

The 4 Pillars – Presentations

Pillar 1: Technical Compliance Training by Thokozani Khumalo, CISA

Pillar 2: Industry Requirements by Lucia Marule

Pillar 3: Future Skills by Marelize Gloy

Comfort Break

Pillar 4: Professional Readiness by Njabulo Duma (Work Readiness)

Keynote Address: Green Money – It DOES grow on trees by Tanya Dos Santos-Ford

Closing Remarks & Poll Winners by CISA CEO Rianné Potgieter


Complimentary attendance- invest your time in your professional development.

  • 09:00 - 09:05


    09:05 - 09:10



    Marelize Gloy (Head of Advice at Adviceworx)

    Marelize Gloy

    Head of Advice at Adviceworx

    • Youth Committee Introductions and Event Overview
    • The 4 Pillars – An introduction

    09:10 - 09:30

    Pillar 1: Technical Compliance Training

    Pillar 1: Technical Compliance Training

    Thokozani Khumalo (Business Support at Compliance Institute Southern Africa)

    Thokozani Khumalo

    Business Support at Compliance Institute Southern Africa

    Pillar 1: Technical Compliance Training

    09:30 - 09:50

    Pillar 2: Industry Requirements

    Pillar 2: Industry Requirements


    Lucia Mapule Marule

    Pillar 2: Industry Requirements

    09:50 - 10:05

    Pillar 3: Future Skills

    Pillar 3: Future Skills

    Marelize Gloy (Head of Advice at Adviceworx)

    Marelize Gloy

    Head of Advice at Adviceworx

    Pillar 3: Future Skills (Keynote speaker)

    10:05 - 10:20

    Comfort Break

    Comfort Break

    10:20 - 10:50

    Pillar 4: Professional Readiness

    Pillar 4: Professional Readiness

    Njabulo Duma (Head of Compliance at IDC)

    Njabulo Duma

    Head of Compliance at IDC

    Pillar 4: Professional Readiness

    10:50 - 11:35

    Green-Money Does Grow On Trees

    Green-Money Does Grow On Trees

    Tanya Dos Santos-Ford (Sustainability Specialist at Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority)

    Tanya Dos Santos-Ford

    Sustainability Specialist at Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority

    Keynote Address

    11:35 - 11:50

    Clsoing remarks and poll winners


Member (Virtual)

Members attend for free
If you are booking multiple tickets on behalf of other attendees, you will need to do the booking with the attendees to ensure that all acceptances and info provided by the attendee is accurate and aligns to their Glueup profile. (e.g. email, membership type, etc.)

Member Price Complimentary

Non-member (Virtual)

If you are booking multiple tickets on behalf of other attendees, you will need to do the booking with the attendees to ensure that all acceptances and info provided by the attendee is accurate and aligns to their Glueup profile. (e.g. email, membership type, etc.)
